
Studying the Architectures of Exoplanetary Systems


(No positions open until Fall 2023.)  Like our Sun, other stars are known to host planetary systems. As we continued to discover many more exoplanetary systems, we learn about how these systems are put together. The "architecture" of these systems (are small planets on the inside or outside? how close are the planets to each other? etc.) gives us invaluable clues to the formation of planetary systems. I used state-of-the-art statistical and computational techniques to discovery new exoplanetary systems, study existing systems, and remove the biases on their properties from our limited observational methods. There are a variety of projects available at a variety of levels and you'll be paid as Research Assistants. Please contact me for more information. The best time to contact me about available positions is about 1 month before the beginning of a semester. 

Required Skills

No skill is absolutely necessary, but the following will increase the complexity of the project you can take on: scientific computing; introductory physics, astronomy, and/or planetary science; statistics; upper-level mechanics; etc. In addition, research in general requires a passion for science and the desire to solve complex problems on your own. 

Orbits in the Outer Solar System


(No positions open until Fall 2023.) Beyond the orbit of Neptune lies a population of icy bodies whose orbits can reveal unique information about how our solar system formed. This region of the solar system is called the Kuiper Belt and these small icy bodies are called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs or sometimes Trans-Neptunian Objects or TNOs), though some are large enough to also qualify as "dwarf planets" like Pluto and Haumea. There are multiple projects available in my research group to study KBO satellites (e.g., Haumea's moons) and KBO orbits (e.g., the Haumea and other collisional families). There are a variety of projects available at a variety of levels and you'll be paid as Research Assistants. Please contact me for more information. The best time to contact me about available positions is about 1 month before the beginning of a semester. 

Required Skills

No skill is absolutely necessary, but the following will increase the complexity and meaningfulness of the project you can take on: scientific computing; introductory physics, astronomy, and/or planetary science; statistics; upper-level mechanics; etc. In addition, research in general requires a passion for science and the desire to solve complex problems on your own.